Code for Interactions with Companies
The National Lipid Association ("NLA") plays an important role in reaching out to healthcare professionals, patients, and other groups. Our members guide research, discover new therapies, and engage in high quality medical practice.
The NLA offers educational opportunities that help translate scientific and medical progress into the efficient delivery of effective medical care, develops resources that guide our members in advancing medical care, and provides a forum for presenting new skills and scientific developments.
Members and patients count on the NLA to be authoritative, independent voices in the world of science and medicine. Public confidence in our objectivity is critical to carrying out our mission.
We know the public relies on us to minimize actual and perceived conflicts of interest. The NLA is taking the necessary steps to ensure that all relationships and interactions with Companies meet high ethical standards. These interactions with Companies may include receiving charitable contributions, applying for grants in support of programs and activities, and conducting a range of business transactions. Throughout all interactions, the NLA is committed to acting with integrity and transparency.
The NLA adopts this Code for Interactions with Companies ("Code") to reinforce the core principles that help us maintain actual and perceived independence. Adopting this Code helps to ensure that the NLA's interactions with Companies will be for the benefit of patients and members and for the improvement of care in our respective specialty field.
This version was revised in June 2022.