Membership Services Committee

Membership Services Committee

The Membership Services Committee focuses on expanding the membership benefits and service offerings the NLA offers its members.


The Membership Services Committee shall be a standing committee of the NLA consisting of one (1) Chair, one (1) Vice-Chair, at least one (1) regional representative from each chapter of the NLA, and at large members of the NLA.


One (1) year appointed annually.


  1. Personally reach out, via telephone or email, to each new member on a monthly basis. The contact list will be sent out by the NLA Membership Manager based on region and profession, if possible;
  2. Recommend member products/services that may encourage or retain membership.

Member Roster:


Staff Liaison:

Kevin Jones

Volunteer/Nominate for the Membership Services Committee

Publish Date: 
Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 01:15

This page was last updated: Jun 29, 2023