Pediatric Work Group

Join the Pediatric Work Group(PedAL)!

The mission of PedAL, the Pediatric Atherosclerosis Prevention and Lipidology Group, is to advance the field of pediatric atherosclerosis prevention and lipidology. Core activities include development of new scientific data, provision of expert information/teaching on cardiovascular risk to pediatric practitioners, provide a forum for management of rare lipid disorders, advocate for cardiovascular risk reduction in youth with key stakeholders, and develop educational material for the general public. PedAL will work with investigators, experts in lipidology, educators and practitioners in pediatrics and its subspecialties to better understand the etiology, early pathophysiology, and potential reversability of atherosclerosis. Appropriate lifestyle and pharmacotherapeutic management of risk factors in children and adolescents will be championed. Goals will be promoted within important national organizations and with the general public.

Don Wilson, MD, Chair, can be contacted to be part of this group or follow this link and direct your message to membership:

Publish Date: 
Friday, January 1, 2016 - 01:00

This page was last updated: Sep 27, 2019


FH Cascade Registry -
Cascade registry is a nationwide registry for patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. The goal is to collect clinical information retrospectively and prospectively from both patients and physicians.

Testing for Rare Lipid Abnormalities
Includes serum phytosterols and free DNA sequencing in collaboration with Robert Hegele: Call or email directly Ernst Schaefer M.D. of Boston Heart Diagnostics and Tufts Nutrition Center (718) 258-1454;

Other Resources