Practice Management Council

Practice Management Council

The Practice Management Council is focused on defining best practices in clinical lipidology that integrate the expertise of physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, exercise physiologists and registered dietitians. These best practices shall guide primary and secondary care practitioners regarding sound business practices, referral strategies, and clinical recommendations to optimize lipoprotein therapy in at-risk patients and thereby improve patient outcomes. The following committees report to the Practice Management Council:


Clinician Tools Committee

Develops an array of tools for clinicians, such as tear sheets, slide decks, lipid clinic operations manuals, treatment authorization resources, and coding and reimbursement information.

Systems Tools Committee

Develops resources specifically to support systems, such as electronic lists and records, EHR detection, and quality reporting and improvement initiatives.

Special Work Groups

Working Groups develop special interest opportunities and information.
Publish Date: 
Friday, January 1, 2016 - 01:45

This page was last updated: Jun 04, 2024