Master of the NLA (MNLA)

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Designation: Master of the NLA (MNLA)

Frequency: May, but is not required to, be awarded annually

Quantity: Up to 2 MNLA per year


Masters of the National Lipid Association (MNLA) is an honor reserved for and awarded to NLA members who are esteemed and recognized by their professional colleagues for having the highest ethical standards and who have distinguished themselves through research, education, health care initiatives, volunteerism, patient care, and service to their community at a regional, national, and international level in the field of Clinical Lipidology. They exhibit excellence in leadership and service towards the NLA’s to enhance the practice of lipid management in clinical medicine.



  • Member in good standing for at least ten years. 
  • Current Fellow of the NLA (FNLA). 
  • Certification by the American Board of Clinical Lipidology or Clinical Lipid Specialist Certification by the Accreditation Council for Clinical Lipidology.
  • Past or current service on the Board of Directors, programs, and committees of the NLA and/or the Foundation of the NLA (including but not limited to Chapter boards of directors, past and current NLA committees, and contributions to the Journal of Clinical Lipidology or LipidSpin).
  • Current participation as an active NLA member is highly encouraged. 


Nomination Requirements & Process:

  • Current and past members of the NLA Board of Directors, including past officers (“Eligible Nominators”), may nominate candidates for the MNLA designation by formal letter to the Honors & Awards Committee. A nomination must include a:
    • Statement of the nominee’s commitment to the highest ethical standards.
    • Statement of the nominee’s contributions to the field of Clinical Lipidology.
    • Statement of the nominee’s furtherance of the NLA Mission and Goals.
    • Second letter of support from an Eligible Nominator.


Recognition: The MNLA designation will be celebrated during the annual NLA Honors & Awards Ceremony.

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Publish Date: 
Thursday, April 8, 2021 - 08:45

This page was last updated: Apr 19, 2021