Clinician's Lifestyle Modification Toolbox
The Clinician’s Lifestyle Modification Toolbox (CLMT) is a project created and developed by the NLA Nutrition Task Force in conjunction with the NLA Practice Management Council. The CLMT includes patient education material that is based on the NLA Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia—Part 2. The CLMT resources are designed to assist clinicians and healthcare professionals in beginning a conversation with their patients about achieving successful lifestyle changes that promote their lipid health. The NLA recommends patient referral to a registered dietitian nutritionist for personalized medical nutrition therapy to enhance and support sustained healthy lifestyle changes.
Heart-Healthy Eating: Southern Style
Heart-Healthy Eating On A Budget
Heart-Healthy Eating if You Are Underweight
Heart Healthy Eating: Latino Style
Heart-Healthy Eating South Asian
Dietary Fats and Your Heart - Choosing Wisely
Heart-Healthy DASH Style
Heart-Healthy Eating - Mediterranean-Style
Heart-Healthy Plant-Based Style
Eating Heart Healthy on a Budget
Other Languages
Building a Heart Healthy Plate (Español)
Heart Healthy Eating on a Budget (Español)
Heart-Healthy Eating: Vegetarian Style (Español)
Heart-Healthy Eating: Mediterranean Style (Español)
Heart-Healthy Eating: Latino Style (Español)
Heart-Healthy Eating: Asian / Indian Style (Español)
Heart-Healthy Eating: Asian / Indian Style (Hindi)
Adding Soluble Fiber to Lower LDL Cholesterol
Go Nuts for your Heart Health
Dietary Fats and Your Heart - Choosing Wisely
Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Triglycerides
Exercise and Weight
Omega-3 Fats
Why Cholesterol in Food Matters
When Your Triglycerides are over 1000 mg/dL
Lifestyle Tips for Blood Sugar Control
Lifestyle Tips to Lower LDL
Plant Sterols and Stanols in Food & Supplements
Achieving a Healthy Weight
Viscous Fiber and Your Cholesterol
Other Languages
Dietary Fats and Your Heart - Choosing Wisely (Español)
Lifestyle Tips for Blood Sugar Control (Español)
Lifestyle Tips to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol (Español)
Plant Sterols in Foods -- Sterol Supplements (Español)
Why Cholesterol in Food Matters (Español)
When Your Triglycerides are over 1000 mg/dL (Español)
When Your Triglycerides are over 1000 mg/dL (Hindi)
Other Languages
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