NLA 2025 Call for Abstracts

The NLA Abstract Review Committee invites the submission of abstracts for poster presentation at the 2025 NLA Scientific Sessions to be held May 29 - June 1 in Miami, Florida.

This is your opportunity to submit your science and present it in the premier scientific environment for experts in clinical lipidology.

Submitted abstracts will be considered for the e-poster hall during the abstract session at the meeting. All accepted abstracts will be published in an online supplement to the Scientific Sessions edition of the Journal of Clinical Lipidology (JCL).

All abstracts must be submitted online via the NLA abstract submission website using the online submission form. Please be sure to read all instructions, information, and policies closely.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Window Will Open
September 27th, 2024

Final Abstract Submission Deadline
Extension* February 7, 2025

Abstract Acceptance Notification
March 12th, 2025

Presenting Author Registration Deadline for Scientific Sessions
May 1st, 2025

Selection Process and E-Poster Presentation Opportunity

Submitted abstracts are pre-screened by the NLA Abstract Review Committee chair to determine if the topic and content are relevant to the field of lipidology (see relevant abstract topics below) and quality of writing. An abstract that is determined to not be relevant to the field of lipidology will be rejected. An abstract may be returned to the corresponding author for revision and resubmission if the content is relevant but the quality of writing is poor. 

Abstracts that pass the pre-screening process will be reviewed, scored, and selected in blinded fashion and selected on the basis of scientific merit and quality by the NLA Abstract Review Committee. The corresponding author will be notified by mid-March 2025 if the abstract is accepted. All accepted abstracts will be presented as an e-poster during designated times at the NLA Scientific Sessions. The presenting author is required to register for the NLA Scientific Sessions and present the abstract as an e-poster and answer questions from meeting attendees.

* If the lead/corresponding author cannot attend the Scientific Sessions to serve as the presenting author, they may designate another author (must be listed at the time of abstract submission) to be the presenting author on their behalf. The presenting author needs to be designated and confirmed by MAY 1, 2025.

Authors may choose to submit their abstract to be considered for one of the Foundation of the NLA awards or as an oral presentation during the main sessions of NLA Scientific Sessions (see details below).  

*Expenses related to airfare, lodging, and social events/guest fees are the responsibility of the presenting author.

Travel Grants and Awards

Foundation of the NLA Donald Hunninghake Familial Hypercholesterolemia Abstract Award*

The Foundation of the NLA is happy to continue to offer the Hunninghake Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Abstract Award for the abstract in the area of FH research that receives the highest score during the review process. Lead authors may indicate interest in being considered for this award during the submission process. The winner, determined by the Foundation of the NLA Board of Directors, will receive a monetary award of $1,500 with an additional $1,000 stipend to assist in covering travel expenses to the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions. The winner will be honored with a plaque presented by the NLA Abstract Review Committee chair and will also present their abstract during the oral abstract presentation session during the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions. 

The winner of this award will receive complimentary registration to the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions. The presenting, lead or second author cannot be employed by industry. If the lead/corresponding author cannot attend the meeting to receive the award and present the abstract, they may designate someone to present on their behalf. The presenting author need to be designated and confirmed by MAY 1, 2025.

This award is supported by a donation from Amgen Inc.

NLA Young Investigator Awards*

Lead authors whose abstracts are accepted and who are Young Investigators (i.e., in training students, residents, and fellows or members in practice for <5 years) may be considered for the Foundation of the NLA's Young Investigator Award. Lead authors may indicate interest in being considered for this award during the submission process. The first, second, and third place winners will receive cash prizes, and the top five winners will receive travel stipends. Additionally, the top five winners will be honored with a plaque presented by the NLA Abstract Review Committee chair and will present their abstracts during the oral abstract presentation session at the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions.

All Young Investigator Award winners who are the presenting authors will receive complimentary registration to the NLA Scientific Sessions. The presenting, lead or second author cannot be employed by industry. If the lead/corresponding author cannot attend the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions to present the abstract, they may designate someone to be the presenting author on their behalf. The presenting author needs to be designated and confirmed by MAY 1, 2025.

Oral Presentation Awards*

Lead authors with accepted abstracts who elect to be considered for Oral Presentation Awards will have the opportunity to be selected for one of three slots for the honor of the podium during the NLA's Scientific Sessions. Additionally, the top three winners will be honored with a plaque presented by the NLA Abstract Review Committee chair and will present their abstracts during the oral abstract presentation session at the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions. The presenting, lead or second author cannot be employed by industry. If the lead/corresponding author cannot attend the NLA 2025 Scientific Sessions to present the abstract, they may designate someone to be the presenting author on their behalf. The presenting author needs to be designated and confirmed by MAY 1, 2025.

Health Equity Awards*

The status of the Health Equity Awards is to be determined. Please contact for an up to date status of the awards.

*Awards Disclaimer
If you are the recipient of one of our abstract awards you are required to register and attend the NLA Scientific Sessions, as well as attend all abstract-related responsibilities. These responsibilities include Q&A sessions in the poster hall, as well as the oral presentation session. If you fail to attend one or both of these events, your prize and travel money may be revoked and you could be blacklisted from future abstract awards.

This disclaimer applies only to Covered Recipients as defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS. Awardees of the Young Investigator Abstract Award and the Hunninghake FH Abstract Award will be offered a monetary award, as outlined above, paid directly by the Foundation of the National Lipid Association through financial support from an outside supporter. In accordance with the Physician Payments Sunshine Act reporting requirements (, the supporter may report your acceptance of the monetary award to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as an indirect payment to a U.S. Covered Recipient. Acceptance of the monetary award is not required in order retain the Award designation.

Abstract Submission Instructions

Please read through the submission instructions below before preparing your abstract:

  1. Read the General Information and Policies for the submission of an abstract.
  2. Write your abstract, following the Abstract Guidelines.
  3. Select a Topic that best relates to your abstract.
  4. Review the Acceptance and Presentation Process for abstracts.
  5. Submit your abstract through the Online Abstract Submission Form.
  6. Register to attend the NLA Scientific Sessions.

General Information and Policies

  • You may complete your abstract submission over multiple sessions. As you will see, there will be a point in the process when you MUST finalize your abstract and make a FINAL submission. Please note that if you do not mark your abstract as complete and make a FINAL submission, it will NOT be considered. Take note of any deadlines under the appropriate call for abstracts and be sure to complete the process before that date.
  • Do not CREATE your abstract in the submission system, but rather create your abstract in a separate Word document and COPY and PASTE it into the abstract submission system. This way, you will not have lost your abstract in the event of disconnection from the Internet, etc. Be sure to check for errors when pasting. Certain special characters may be changed by the browser.
  • If you are currently a member of the NLA, we will prefill your address information for you in the online submission form based on your current account information profile. Note that changes made here will apply to your abstract only and WILL NOT BE APPLIED to your NLA member record or account.
  • To ensure his or her abstract(s) are included for publication and website, either Primary or Secondary Author must be registered as an in-person participant. Virtual abstract presentation is NOT allowed. Authors who are not members of the NLA must pay the non-member registration fee or can apply for membership here.
  • To submit an abstract, all of the authors listed on the abstract must approve the final version. In addition, each author listed on the abstract should have made a substantial contribution to it, such as 1) contributing to the conception and design of the study and the acquisition of data; 2) analysis and interpretation of the data; and/or 3) drafting the poster and/or revising it critically for important intellectual content. Full disclosures must be provided for each author. These requirements are taken seriously by the NLA and any failure to fully comply with these requirements may result in an abstract being withdrawn from the NLA abstracts program.
  • It is the responsibility of the lead author to ensure that his or her abstract is submitted correctly.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the NLA Abstracts Review Committee.
  • Authors assign copyright of the abstract to NLA upon submission.
  • Faxed, emailed, or mailed hard-copy abstracts or abstracts sent on a CD/disc WILL NOT be accepted. If you are unable to submit via the website, please contact the NLA staff:

    Phone: 904-998-0854

Return to Instructions

The NLA will not be responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by Internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages, or unforeseen events.

Return to Instructions

Abstract Guidelines

Content Guidelines
Abstracts for poster entries submitted can only be accepted electronically and must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Abstracts are limited to 400 words.
  • Abstracts must be divided into sections: Title, Synopsis, Objectives/Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion that states the importance and potential implications of the observations.
  • Abstracts must be proofread carefully to avoid errors before submission.
  • Abstracts must contain generic drug names only.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
  • Lead and secondary authors must disclose all financial relationships.
  • Any funding support for the research must be disclosed.
  • Encore research is eligible for submission but the original date and location of presentation of the research must be disclosed in the application.

The purpose of the abstract is to define the precise subject of the presentation to an audience. Below you will find a checklist for abstract preparation. All abstracts are considered equally for selection, and the quality of the abstract is the single most important factor in the Committee's decision.

You will be asked for the following:

  • Title
  • Background/Synopsis – A concise description of your subject matter and prior work in this area
  • Objective/Purpose – The question your material answers or the hypothesis that it tests
  • Methods – The experimental design or technique employed
  • Results – Outcomes & measurements, with statistical significance, if appropriate
  • Conclusion – Conclusions, clinical pertinence, and value or for Workshops and Presentations, the prevailing point of view
  • Proofread – Make sure to proofread your abstract. Misspellings and typographical errors reflect poorly on your scientific work. Prepare to substitute plain text for special characters as these characters may not be rendered reliably (i.e., plus or minus for ±, alpha for a etc.)
  • Authors – For each author you must provide first and last name, city and state as well as preliminary financial disclosure information. If you would like to be considered for oral presentation, the Primary Author should also upload a brief paragraph describing their qualifications in the chosen subject area and/or a CV.
  • Supplemental Materials for Upload (Optional)

Return to Instructions

Abstract Submission Topics

To ensure your abstract receives proper consideration, the abstract must relate to an appropriate topic in the field of clinical lipidology and cardiovascular disease prevention. Abstract authors will be required to indicate which topic BEST matches the content of their abstract. Topics for the NLA Scientific Sessions are:

  • Pathophysiology of Atherosclerosis (including Lipoprotein Metabolism)
  • Genetic Disorders (including Hereditary Dyslipidemias)
  • Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes
  • Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
  • Comprehensive ASCVD Risk Reduction (including hypertension, smoking cessation)
  • Imaging
  • Gene Therapy
  • Clinical Application of Biomarkers
  • Enhancing Adherence to Therapies (including Management of Statin Intolerance)
  • HDL Modification or Novel HDL Therapies
  • Novel Therapies in Lipid Management and Co-Morbidities
  • Best Practices in Lipid Management (including Clinical Operations, Team-based Care Approaches, Outcomes Research)
  • Lipid Management through Nutrition, Supplements and Lifestyle Therapies (including Omega-3 Fatty Acids)
  • Lipid Management through Pharmacology
  • Lipid Management in Special Populations (including COVID-19)
  • Complex or Unusual Cases in Lipid Management
  • Health Equity- research or case studies highlighting underserved populations

If you do not see an appropriate topic listed above that best relates to your abstract, please contact the NLA office at or call 904-998-0854.

Return to Instructions

E-Poster Submission Process

Upon abstract acceptance (authors will be notified via email) a link with instructions will be sent to the designated presenting authors on file to upload their abstract as an e-poster. E-posters can be re-uploaded multiple times before the cutoff date of *May 16th, 2025. Presenting authors will be notified of the monitor and poster hall time slot via email. The poster will also be available to attendees via the meeting app. It is important to the NLA that we showcase our poster hall presenters with the best quality standards possible so we've provided a list of best practices below to ensure the best results.

*It is important to note that any data, figure/table and title changes to the poster will not be reflected in the original published abstract for the Journals of Clinical Lipidology. 

Key poster hall dates (subject to change):

March 12th, 2025- e-poster hall upload site link sent with instructions.

May 1st, 2025- On-site presenting author designated and confirmed. 

May 16th, 2025- poster hall monitor and time assignment sent. 

*May 16th, 2025-  e-poster hall upload final due date. 

May 29th - June 1st- NLA Scientific Sessions


Creating The Poster- Best Practices for Best Results

  1. Slide orientation and Resolution:
    • Set the slide to be landscape orientation
    • Use a high resolution (e.g., 1920x1080 pixels or higher) to ensure clarity
  1. Simplicity and Clarity:
    • Keep the design clean and uncluttered.
    • Use ample white space to avoid overcrowding and enhance readability.

Text and Typography

  1. Font Size:
    • Use large fonts to ensure readability from a distance. Headlines should be 48-60 points, subheadings 24-36 points, and body text 12-24 points.
  1. Font Choice:
    • Select sans-serif fonts for better legibility on screens (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, Calibri).
  1. Contrast:
    • Ensure high contrast between text and background to enhance readability. Light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background works well.


  1. High-Quality Images:
    • Use high-resolution images/graphs to avoid pixelation on the large screen.

Saving the file

  1. File Format:
    • Open the PowerPoint Preference dialog box, click General. Under Print Quality (Paper/PDF), make sure the desired quality is high.
    • Save the PowerPoint as a PDF.



Questions? Contact the NLA office at or call 904-998-0854.

Return to Instructions

Abstract Submission


You must be logged into the NLA Website in order to submit an abstract; however you are not currently logged into the site. Depending on the circumstances, you have one of three options:

  1. NLA Members who have already set-up an account, please login using the boxes at the top of this (or any) page.
  2. NLA Members who have not set-up an account can obtain one by writing the webmaster.
  3. A guest account can be created for non-members. You may request one by writing the webmaster. Please include a valid land mail address, working contact phone number and relevant professional or academic affiliation. Guest account requests that do NOT include the requested information will be deleted.

Please note that guest account requests and inquiries submitted after 4 PM Eastern on Friday February 7, 2025 will not be created.

This page was last updated: Feb 07, 2025