
American Board of Clinical Lipidology (ABCL)
Physician Certification Program


The American Board of Clinical Lipidology (ABCL) is an independent physician-certifying organization offering the highest benchmark of professional competency in Clinical Lipidology. Enhance your professional stature and credibility in the field, and demonstrate your commitment to the highest standards of patient care. The program is open to licensed physicians in the US and Canada.

More information on upcoming testing windows, deadlines, credentialing criteria and application process is available at www.lipidboard.org.


Maintenance of Certification
The ABCL Maintenance of Certification process is designed to help physicians stay abreast of advances in the field of clinical lipidology, develop better practice systems, and demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning. For more information on Maintenance of Certification criteria, visit www.lipidboard.org/moc.


Accreditation Council for Clinical Lipidology (ACCL)
Healthcare Professional Certification Program


The Accreditation Council for Clinical Lipidology (ACCL) offers two unique pathways to certification and competency assessment in Clinical Lipidology for healthcare professionals.


ACCL Clinical Lipid Specialist (CLS)

The Clinical Lipid Specialist (CLS) certification program is an advanced certification pathway open to licensed physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, registered dietitian/nutritionists, clinical exercise physiologists and other healthcare professionals who meet qualifying criteria. The CLS program certifies and validates one’s professional credentials to provide specialized care to patients with dyslipidemia and related cardiometabolic conditions.

More information on upcoming testing windows, deadlines, credentialing criteria and application process is available at www.lipidspecialist.org.


CLS Renewal of Certification (ROC)

The CLS renewal of certification (ROC) process is designed to ensure those holding this credential have maintained professional competency, and have met the standards of knowledge and skills required to maintain their certification. For more information on ROC criteria, visit www.lipidspecialist.org.


ACCL Lipid Competency Certificate (LCC)

In 2009 the Basic Competency in Clinical Lipidology (BCCL) exam was created to offer a professional development opportunity to any healthcare professional or paraprofessional with an interest or involvement in the area of dyslipidemia. In 2015 the ACCL Board of Governors voted to rename the BCCL exam the Lipid Competency Certificate (LCC) to better reflect exam content and level of knowledge. The LCC program is intended for learners who wish to assess their knowledge of Clinical Lipidology and receive recognition from the ACCL, but who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the CLS certification program. This certificate program is open year-round to an international audience, and there is no specific licensure or work experience required to apply.

More information available at www.lipidspecialist.org.


Publish Date: 
Friday, January 1, 2016 - 01:15

This page was last updated: Oct 28, 2020