CLM-SAP 16: Hypertriglyceridemia - Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, Clinical Significance and Treatment
The accreditation for this activity has expired.
CLM-SAP 16 is an online self-assessment program that will objectively validate and enhance your clinical knowledge of hypertriglyceridemia. Hypertriglyceridemia is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events and acute pancreatitis. The reduction in elevated levels of non-HDL-C, a marker of increased concentrations of circulating triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, is associated with reduced atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk. Similarly, a reduction in markedly elevated serum triglyceride levels decreases the risk of pancreatitis. This program will provide strategies to integrate evidence-based medicine into daily practice in order to appropriately assess, manage, and treat patients with hypertriglyceridemia.
Get real time feedback after each question, including a detailed critique and bibliographic references for further reading and receive a PDF copy of the program upon claiming CME/CE credit. Complete via computer or from tablet app for iPad and Android devices*.
Available Program Formats
The accreditation for this activity has expired.
Online Version: Get real-time feedback after each question. Detailed critique of each item along with bibliographic references.
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Click here to take this activity as a Non-MemberTablet Versions: Convenient tablet apps for iPad® and AndroidTM allow you to take the CLM-SAP with you, wherever there is an internet connection. Best of all, you can move seamlessly back and forth between our desktop web browser version and the tablet version.*
*NLA members only