Join the NLA

NLA Membership Application

Choose a Membership and Payment Type

Regular Membership (1 year @ $195.00 OR 3 years @ $510.00 ) is available to any appropriately credentialed health professional engaged in the treatment of patients with lipid disorders or involved in research or educational activities relating to lipid disorders.
1 year(s) @ $195.00
3 year(s) @ $510.00
3 year bundle @ $1000 see details
International Membership (1 year @ $195.00 OR 3 years @ $510.00) is available to any appropriately credentialed health professional who is engaged in the treatment of patients with lipid disorders or involved in research or educational activities relating to lipid disorders and lives in a country outside the United States. As an International Member, you will receive all mailings electronically.
1 year(s) @ $195.00
3 year(s) @ $510.00
Industry Membership (1 year @ $195.00 OR 3 years @ $510.00) is available to representatives of industry (employees or contractors) ONLY if their job responsibilities do not include promotion of or participation in activities directly related to sales and marketing of products or services to health professionals or patients.
1 year(s) @ $195.00
3 year(s) @ $510.00
Publish Date: 
Monday, December 18, 2017 - 10:45

This page was last updated: Nov 09, 2022