2018 Scientific Sessions: Putting Research into Practice

Last Updated: Monday, 30-Apr-2018 14:15:00 EDT

Putting Research into Practice

Physical Activity, Sedentary time, TV Viewing, Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Adolescents: The HELENA Study
Lauren Williams, MCN, RD, LD
Clinical Dietitian II
Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
Cook Children’s Medical Center
Fort Worth, TX

In this presentation, Lauren Williams, MCN, RD, LD, reviewed current guidelines in sedentary time vs. the amount of time that should be spent on physical activity in adolescents.

Current physical activity guidelines from the World Health Organization and the NLA are 60 minutes of Current physical activity guidelines from WHO and NLA are 60 minutes moderate to vigorous physical activity daily and minimization of sedentary time.

Duration and intensity of physical activity, as well as total and type of sedentary behavior are associated with CVD risk. The current study suggests promotion of increasing vigorous physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscular fitness while reducing specific sedentary behaviors, such as TV viewing.

Dear Vitamin D, Lack of You May Be the Reason For My Pain?
Roda Plakogiannis, PharmD, CLS, FNLA
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Long Island University, New York
New York, NY    

In this presentation, Roda Plakogiannis, PharmD, CLS, FNLA, described the role of vitamin D deficiency in statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS), evaluated the evidence of vitamin D levels and SAMS and reviewed scientific data of vitamin D supplementation and SAMS.

Dr. Plakogiannis shared data that supported that Vitamin D deficiency is considered a modifiable risk factor for SAMS and Vitamin D levels should be evaluated prior to initiating statin therapy.

In addition, patients reporting muscle symptoms after statin therapy should be evaluated for vitamin D deficiency, which should be treated.

Management of Statin Intolerance in 2018: Still More Questions Than Answers (But We’re Getting Better)
Margo B. Minissian, PhD, ACNP, CLS
Nurse Scientist
Cardiology Nurse Practitioner
Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
Barbra Streisand Women’s Heart Center
Los Angeles, CA

In this presentation, Margo Minissian, PhD, ACNP, CLS, defined statin intolerance and provided the audience with three examples to assist a patient who is statin intolerant. The examples included two with medication adherence and one non-pharmacologic.

Dr. Minissian also covered the roll of biomarkers and provided considerations for statin intolerance management such as a step-by-step approach to decreasing dosage, intermittent dosing and using a hydrophilic statin. Other “clinical pearls” included avid drug-drug interactions, selecting a drug with less utilization of the CYP pathway, consuming plant sterols and soluble fiber and eating foods from the Mediterranean Diet.