2018 Scientific Sessions: W. Virgil Brown Distinguished Achievement Award & Lecture

Last Updated: Friday, 27-Apr-2018 23:45:00 EDT

W. Virgil Brown Distinguished Achievement Award Lecture
Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, RDN, CLS, FNLA
Distinguished Professor of Nutrition
College of Health and Human Development
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA

A profound pioneer of cardiovascular nutrition and Past President of the NLA, Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, RDN, CLS, FNLA was presented with the 2018 W. Virgil Brown Distinguished Achievement Award.

The award is highest honor conferred by the NLA, honoring outstanding contributions in the diagnosis and treatment of lipid disorders. It was established to honor one of the founding fathers of the NLA, W. Virgil Brown, MD. Dr. Brown’s contributions to the field of lipidology and the National Lipid Association are unparalleled, and the Board of Directors of both the National Lipid Association and the Foundation of the National Lipid Association feel that this award should only be given to an exemplary clinician in the field of lipidology.

Dr. Etherton shared her journey to choosing a career in cardiovascular nutrition. Her interest in the role of nutrition in health began in high school, leading to her study of nutrition and dietetics in college. Her passion for cardiovascular nutrition was really “stoked” when she learned about Ancel Keys’ Seven-Country Study in her dietetic internship and MS program at Case Western Reserve. She then furthered her education in the doctoral program at the University of Minnesota.

Dr. Etherton also shared the evolution of dietary guidelines through the years and talked about the many mentors, as well as colleagues, she has had through the years.