Last Updated: Monday, 30-Mar-2020 13:15:00 EDT
COVID-19 Resources
The NLA aims to provide its members with relevant information and tools to succeed in the frequently changing healthcare landscape. View the documents below for resources provided by NLA members. Check back later to view new resources.
Webinar: Cardiovascular Patient Management in the Era of COVID-19
Telehealth Primer
Helping Patients Optimize Cardiovascular Health in an Era of Social Distancing
How to Keep Your Children Healthy (and Busy!) During a Pandemic
The National Lipid Association makes every effort to provide accurate information; however, circumstances may alter certain details, such as dates or locations of events. Any changes will be denoted as soon as possible. The NLA invites members and guest authors to provide scientific and medical opinions, which do not necessarily reflect the policy of the Association.
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