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Lipid Clinic and CMR Operations Manual/CourseAll permissions provided by Please check the Conferences section for the next available course under special courses |
Key Elements
- Introduction
- Key Considerations for Designing and Operating Clinically Successful and Solvent Lipid Clinic and Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction Programs
- Electronic tools for maximal lipid clinic functionality
- Integrating and implementing the NCEP ATP IV guidelines
- ICD-10 fundamentals relative to lipid and CMR program operations
- Lipid clinic and CMR program models of care
- Professional education in clinical lipidology and CME (NLA resources)
- Resources for federal guidelines for physician billing and coding
- Quality improvement and best practices
- Health Care Reform’s impact on LC and CMR operations
- Collaborative care and the future of clinical lipidologists/clinical lipid specialists
- Clinic and assessment resources/educational materials
References for those establishing or working in a
Lipid or Cardiometabolic Center.
Publish Date:
Friday, January 1, 2016 - 01:45
This page was last updated: Oct 31, 2019
Key Considerations 2017 is now ready for download - see RL
Key Considerations for Designing and Operating Clinically Successful and Solvent Lipid Clinic and Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction Programs: Circa 2017 (9/17 update)
Email Ralph LaForge for this 2017 update: rlaforge@nc.rr.com. This document will be uploaded to the PMC link soon.
2018 revision
Requires moderate 2018 revisions based on new Medicare and PCMH regulations
May I have a copy of the 2018 revision
I have downloaded the 2015 version. I am hoping that I may have a copy of the 2018 revised version. Thank you.