Operations Manual

Lipid Clinic and CMR Operations Manual/Course

All permissions provided by
Ralph La Forge, M.Sc.
Duke Lipid Disorder Physician Education Program
Durham NC

Please check the Conferences section for the next available course under special courses

Key Elements

  1. Introduction
  2. Key Considerations for Designing and Operating Clinically Successful and Solvent Lipid Clinic and Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction Programs
  3. Electronic tools for maximal lipid clinic functionality
  4. Integrating and implementing the NCEP ATP IV guidelines
  5. ICD-10 fundamentals relative to lipid and CMR program operations
  6. Lipid clinic and CMR program models of care
  7. Professional education in clinical lipidology and CME (NLA resources)
  8. Resources for federal guidelines for physician billing and coding
  9. Quality improvement and best practices
  10. Health Care Reform’s impact on LC and CMR operations
  11. Collaborative care and the future of clinical lipidologists/clinical lipid specialists
  12. Clinic and assessment resources/educational materials



References for those establishing or working in a
Lipid or Cardiometabolic Center.

Publish Date: 
Friday, January 1, 2016 - 01:45


rlaforge's picture

       Key Considerations for Designing and Operating Clinically   Successful and Solvent Lipid Clinic                                                             and Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction Programs: Circa 2017 (9/17 update)


Email Ralph LaForge for this 2017 update:  rlaforge@nc.rr.com.  This document will be uploaded to the PMC link soon.

rlaforge's picture

Requires moderate 2018 revisions based on new Medicare and PCMH regulations

ldvle's picture

I have downloaded the 2015 version. I am hoping that I may have a copy of the 2018 revised version. Thank you.

This page was last updated: Oct 31, 2019