Editor's Corner: Staying Focused

ka·​lei·​do·​scope | \ kə-ˈlī-də-ˌskōp  \

Definition of ‘kaleidoscope’

The name is derived from the Greek words kalos (“beautiful”), eïdos (“form”), and skopeïn (“to view”).

1. an instrument containing loose bits of colored material (such as glass or plastic) between two flat plates and two plane mirrors so placed that changes of position of the bits of material are reflected in an endless variety of patterns

2. something resembling a kaleidoscope: such as

A. a variegated changing pattern or scene—----a kaleidoscope of colors

B. a succession of changing phases or actions—  a kaleidoscope of changing fashions

C. a diverse collection

As always, it is my pleasure to introduce another edition of LipidSpin, and take the opportunity to thank the chapter presidents and presidents-elect of NELA and SELA, as well as, of course, the authors for the article submissions, which in this case enlighten us as to the nuances of cardiometabolic disease. In addition, my thanks to my co-editor Dr. Lynne Braun, our publications committee associate editors, and our fearless publications manager D’Ayn Sayre, who in addition to aiding us in all the logistics of each edition, now performs our graphics and design with great skill and enthusiasm. 

The theme of ‘kaleidoscope’ as it relates to cardiometabolic disease is an excellent one and was selected by our chapter presidents in their ‘think tank’ during preparation for this edition. The rotating tube toys with colored glass and mirrors which we played with as children, are in themselves a relevant description of the complexity of cardiometabolic disease. And the more subtle uses of the term in a metaphorical sense also helps us to illustrate the varied facets and patterns of how lipid science relates to ASCVD and to other systemic concerns. Furthermore, the term appeals to me because of the way in which seemingly unrelated fragments… bits of glass or scientific concepts….’click’ into place when one repositions the mirrors, or lenses through which we gaze.


The Table of Contents for this edition is broad in scope, ranging from an overview of cardiometabolic syndrome, discussion of associated clinical challenges such as ‘fatty liver disease’, obesity and insulin resistance, as well as including updated prevention tips, and an important view regarding the transition of our pediatric lipid patients to their adult clinical care plans. All these topics help to keep us focused on the key role that Lipoproteins play in a kaleidoscope of chronic and acute medical conditions affecting the whole patient, not simply one organ system. 


Additionally, to push the metaphor even farther, the kaleidoscope concept is relevant to the NLA itself—-given our diversity, multidisciplinary focus, constantly changing and reconfigured opportunities for our members. We also ‘click’ into place in patient care alongside our colleagues in other societies and disciplines to form contemporary views of providing care for our patients with or at risk for ASCVD.

We sincerely hope you enjoy and learn from this edition of LipidSpin.

Article By:

Kaye-Eileen Willard, MD, FNLA

Co-Editor, LipidSpin

Chief of Staff, Physician Advisor

Ascension - All Saints

Racine, WI

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