Lenox Hill Hospital-Northwell Health Preventive Cardiology Fellowship 2025-26

The Lenox Hill Hospital Preventive Cardiology fellowship will offer candidates the opportunity to become adept in the clinical and research components of preventive cardiology.  The main areas of focus will include utilization of advanced medical therapies for the treatment of complex dyslipidemias, resistant hypertension and diabetes, which show potential for improving cardiovascular outcomes.  Recognition of cardiovascular risk through risk algorithms, subclinical imaging and genetics will be covered extensively.  Education in cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle for the improvement of dietary, exercise and lifestyle habits will be a main focus of the program, complementing medical treatment at all stages, along with management of cardiometabolic disease and obesity. There is also an opportunity to focus on Sports Cardiology and cardiopulmonary exercise stress testing.  The fellowship will provide significant clinical exposure in these areas as well as the opportunity to conduct research.  Clinical sites include both Lenox Hill hospital and the Sandra Bass Heart Hospital, so as to provide exposure to various experts and prevention programs offered at each center. 

Interested applicants should refer to our program’s website: https://bit.ly/LHH-CVPrevention-Fellowship for additional information. 

Program Director:  Eugenia Gianos, MD

Associate Program Director:  Christopher Tanayan, MD 

Applicants should submit a copy of their CV, a personal statement, and 3 letters of recommendation to Cynthia Soto: 

Contact: PreventCardioFellowship@northwell.edu; Phone (212) 434-2111  

Applications will be accepted until December 31, 2024. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 to Tuesday, December 31, 2024

This page was last updated: Nov 06, 2024