News Stories

Jan, 2014

The NLA was recently awarded Best Practice in Educational Design & Evaluation by the National Association of Medical Education Companies (NAMEC). The award recognizes the work of the NLA, along with its educational partner, MCM Education, for a series of activities in 2012-2013 titled Managing Residual CVD Risk: The Role of HDL Cholesterol.

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Name: NLA News
Jan, 2014

The National Lipid Association (NLA) is excited to announce it has submitted a proposal to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) to create new, specific ICD-10 codes for FH, which would include homozygous FH and heterozygous FH. The NCHS is the Federal agency responsible for revising the ICD codes and will review this proposal. The NLA worked collaboratively with The FH Foundation to draft this proposal that will have a profound impact on the diagnosis and treatment of FH.

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Name: NLA News
Dec, 2013

2014 NLA Honors & Awards

To honor the exceptional professionals in our ranks, the NLA has established several types of recognition. We are currently seeking nominations for the following awards, to be presented at the 2014 Annual Scientific Sessions in Orlando, Florida (May 1-4, 2014):

Fellow of the NLA 

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