News Stories

Nov, 2012

Join NLA faculty as they present “Myopathy and More: Getting Statins to Work in the Real World” at the AHA Scientific Sessions in Los Angeles on Monday, November 5 from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m.  Part of the session will focus on results from the USAGE survey, the largest known consumer survey on statin adherence, which was conducted by the NLA in partnership with Kowa Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly & Co. NLA faculty for this AHA session include Jerome Cohen, MD; Matthew Ito, PharmD; and Paul Thompson, MD.

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Name: NLA News
Jun, 2012

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—The National Lipid Association (NLA), a nonprofit, multidisciplinary medical society focused on enhancing the practice of lipid management in clinical medicine, marks a major milestone this year with its tenth anniversary. Lipid management involves the treatment of disruptions in the amount of lipids in the blood (dyslipidemia). Lipids are fats and normal levels are required for good health. However, abnormally high or low lipid levels can lead to illness and cardiovascular disease, including arterial blockage, heart attack, and stroke.

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Name: NLA News
Oct, 2012

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.— Tailgating season is here, which means lots of football, friends and food. While most tailgating recipes rank high for flavor, they score low for cholesterol health—which is a problem because high cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, the National Lipid Association (NLA) wants to arm you with cholesterol-friendly recipe ideas to tackle the tailgate without sacrificing taste.

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Name: NLA News